Please complete the following form to ensure that we have accurate demographic information for our students. This will allow us to update our Student Information System (SIS) PowerSchool.  


Contact Information

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Student Demographics

Please fill this section out as accurately as possible. If you have any questions or need clarifications, please speak with your advisor. 

Check all that apply.

Parent/Guardian Information

This section provides important information about your parents/guardians. Please fill out this selection as detailed as possible. 

If you are unable to answer any of the below questions abut your parent(s), please simply put N/A. 

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Submit address only if different from your primary address.
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Submit address only if different from your primary address.

Immediate Family Member Information

Please fill out this section if an immediate family member (siblings) graduated from Holy Cross High School. If you don't have a sibling who graduated, or have completed all spaces needed for your sibling members, move to next section. 

Grandparent Information

Please fill this section out with as much information as possible about your grandparents. 

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T-shirt Size

We are in the process of ordering our annual Holy Cross Spirit Shirts. Please provide your shirt size on this form so we can order your shirt!